Monday, October 11, 2010


On Saturday I got up at 5 am so I could make my flight to Sweden and visit Margie in Gothenburg (Göteborg). It was crazy...I was in the city so early getting to the airport that I actually saw a pigeon wake up. He was in his nest when he slowly opened his eyes, slowly moved his head from side to side, stretched out his wings, and then tiredly flew below to look for breakfast crumbs. lol.

The flight to Gothenburg from Berlin was only an hour and 15 minutes. Everything went fine. I was so excited to get a soft pretzel for a snack on the plane (gotta love German airlines ;), until I realized it was really only a little bit of bread around a solid brick of butter in the shape of a pretzel. I guess disappointing airline food really is international...

Sweden is so clean, and the people are really friendly here! It is also very beautiful right now with all the fall colors. Margie and I met, and she showed me her apartment. It's pretty cute. I'm staying in a sleeping bag on the floor, living the dream. :P

In the afternoon, we took a ferry to the islands around Gothenburg. They are soo beautiful. We walked around one of the islands (which is actually residential), and got totally lost. It was a great adventure, except for the part when we found a dead jackrabbit. That was pretty

Later that evening we met Margie's roommate Lotte and some other friends of theirs from the lab to sing karaoke at a friend's apartment. It was actually a PS2 game called "Singstar", where you are judged on pitch, rhythm, lyrics, etc. and receive points for accuracy. We played in teams, and our team totally sucked (Margie and I were major failures, haha). We lost all 14 rounds!! sad.

We went home for a quick few-hour nap before having to leave at 1:30am to go catch our 2:55 bus to Copenhagen. More on that in the next post. :)