Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So, I have been incredibly behind on my blog lately, and thought I'd better do something to appease the masses. Sorry guys!

I left off my last post with Margie and I at the bus station in Göteborg, getting ready to take the 2:55am night bus to Copenhagen, Denmark. It was freezing outside, so we were definitely ready to get in when the bus finally came. We arrived in Copenhagen around 7:30.

It was awesome to get there so early because then we could watch the city "wake up", so to speak. Our first impressions of the place were kind of sketchy, though. The fog was so thick that we could barely see 20 feet in front of us, and there was garbage EVERYWHERE. Especially crap from McDonalds, for some reason. That was kind of disappointing, and not good for pictures. However, later in the day the fog cleared and the garbage was all cleaned up by the city sanitation crew, so that helped.

We followed Rick Steves' walking tour, and it was wonderful. For those of you who don't know, Rick Steves is a travel guide who has written many guide books. The best part about him is that he includes walking tours with a map. You start at one place, and simply follow the numbers on the map to see some of the coolest stuff. A person can get a little exercise and not have to pay anyone for hauling them around. It's great. He's also a pretty funny writer. Margie and I are crazy about him and his books!

At the beginning of our walking tour, around 7:30, we saw people going home from clubs, still drunk. People party so hard here. We also ran into this middle-aged guy from New Zealand who just randomly started talking to us. We thought it was cool to talk to a Kiwi, until he started dissing Americans (very incoherently, I might add). He kept saying, "Americans, oooohh...tsssst...Americans...". What the hell is that supposed to mean? And this guy was so hypocritical, too. He said we weren't open to new cultures, and then said (about Americans): "They're just so...different...I mean, everything's so...different, like they're just...different. I don't like them..." What a tool.

To sum it up, we saw some cool churches, courtyards, alleyways, old buildings, castles, history museums, ships, statues, parks, the artist haven and anti-establishment commune "Christiana", and a few stores. The buildings were painted really cute, and it was fun to just look around and take pictures. We even got to see the national treasure reserves, which was awesome...There were diamond- and jewel-encrusted guns, and all sorts of other cool things. The guns reminded me of my dad, because I know he would have loved them!!

One of the funniest things I think we saw was a bar, with "PROBABLY THE BEST BEER IN TOWN" written on front of it. Haha, they are so polite about it! I have never seen the word "probably" used in advertising before. lol.

The only major problem we had in Copenhagen was the exchange rate, which we failed to check before going there. Unfortunately, we thought it was more in our favor than it actually was, and...yeah. You get the idea. We spent way more money than we thought we did, even though we didn't buy much.

Then we took the late bus back to Sweden and made it back to Margie's around 3am. We were both pretty tired, but that's ok. Good times were had by all!