Thursday, September 16, 2010

Exploring Berlin II

In the meantime, I have also been checking out Berlin with some random new friends I've made. Some of the highlights include:

-White Trash Fast Food. The name sounds like crap, but the food is awesome! It's actually a restaurant with a concert stage, which generally books only punk bands. They have tables inside and outside on the patio, and it's got somewhat of a piratey theme. I ordered a cheeseburger and it was amazing. Sort of like the cheeseburgers at Red Robin.

-KaDeWe. This is a huge, popular department store that consists of about 5 stories separated by escalators. My favorite floor was the food floor. They had these food counters all around that served everything from gourmet deli to French cuisine and and truffles to sushi. They had groceries and candy from all around the world, in mass quantities. MASS QUANTITIES OF CANDY. I found the small American section which contained: Campbell's Tomato Soup for $6/can, Pepsi/MountainDew/Dr.Pepper/etc. for $5/can (warm), a box of generic macaroni and cheese for $4.50, plus other random things like Oreos and Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups. By that time, I was too scared to check more prices. Stupid importing costs and taxes...

-Kunsthaus Tacheles. This was perhaps the most hardcore thing yet. Basically, this is an old 4-story building that some barely-alive, crackhead artists try to sell their work in. Some of it was really cool, but a lot of it was most definitely inspired by acid. Every square inch of the inside walls and doors was covered in grafiti and/or flyers of some sort. The building smelled like a horrible combination of incredibly strong weed and pee. Apparently, the owners of the property are planning on tearing this building down to get rid of squatters and other unpleasantness, so it may not be around much longer.

-Schwarzes Cafe. This is a cool, artsy little cafe with a balcany overlooking the street and good hot chocolate. Perfect way to kill a few lazy hours.

-The official Ritter Chocolate store. This place was amazing, because you can create your own Ritter chocolate with whatever ingredients you want! Then they also have a chocolate museum exhibit thing and a fancy cafe. It's pretty intense.

-A really cool vintage toy store. Can't remember the name of it, but I do remember how to get there. Don't remember the street though. So basically this bullet is pretty useless.

Ok I'm done for now.